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JOUR 372: Diversity and the Media

Find Articles Overview


Periodical articles (magazines, newspapers, trade publications, and scholarly journals) are excellent sources of current and/or specific information for research projects.

What is a Scholarly Article? (Video)

Check Ulrich's to see if a journal is peer-reviewed/referreed

Periodical indexes or databases allow you to search for and with "keywords" to help you identify relevant articles. Keywords are words that represent the main ideas of what you are searching for. All of the databases listed below provide the full text for most of the articles they index.

Select Article Databases:

To see the complete list of available databases, visit Databases by Subject or Databases A-Z.

Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

Provides full text for nearly 4,600 periodicals, including more than 3,900 full-text peer-reviewed journals. This database offers information in nearly every area of academic study. Allows limiting search results to peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Communication Source (EBSCOhost)

Offers abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and other fields relevant to the discipline.

Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest)

Full text articles from more than 270 ethnic, minority and native press publications, including newspapers, magazines and journals, 1960 to present.

Film & Television Literature Index (EBSCOHost)

Indexes over 350 U.S. and international film and television periodicals, including popular magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications. In addition, selected content is chosen from thousands of additional publications that contain relevant content. Dates of coverage vary.

GenderWatch (ProQuest)

Contains unique and diverse publications that focus on how gender impacts a broad spectrum of subject areas. With archival material dating back to 1970, GenderWatch is a repository of an important historical perspective on the evolution of both the women's movement and major changes in gender roles.

General OneFile (Gale)

From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access over 9,000 scholarly journals, and general interest news magazines and newspapers - over half contain full text and images. Search specific keywords using the Advanced Search or browse subjects using the Subject Guide. Coverage is from 1980 to the present.

International Index to Music Periodicals (ProQuest)

Covers nearly all aspects of the world of music; draws current content from more than 370 international music periodicals from over 20 countries with over 60 full text titles. Coverage: 1874- (full text: 1996-)

ProQuest Databases Search across a wide range of newspapers, and databases in business and social sciences.


Abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations devoted to the peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to the present, includes international material selected from around 2,500 periodicals.

SPORTDiscus (EBSCOhost)

Covers sports, fitness and related disciplines. Indexes journals and books going back to 1800 to present; over 22,000 dissertations and theses and reference to articles in 60 different languages.

What is a Primary Source?

Primary Sources as Original Research

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are used to connect two, or more, keywords together as a way to narrow or expand your search results.

AND - narrows your topic; only results with the terms 'women' and 'media' found in the title, subject heading or description will be shown.

OR - expands your topic; useful when you want to add to your results; this terms works well when using synonyms as keywords.

NOT - removes results; if your keyword can be defined in multiple ways. For example, 'image' can mean pictures but it could also be related to body image or self-esteem.

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