These collections of images are available for all users. You do not need to be a student at CSUN to have access to these collections. Many are freely available to use for educational purposes; however, it is important to read the permission levels of copyright.
All of the below databases are listed under Databases A-Z on the library’s website. The content in the databases are licensed for educational purposes. Students, faculty or staff at CSUN do not need additional permission to use images providing its use is educational purposes including instruction, presentations, or assignments.
Multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
Attributing the creator is necessary anytime you use an image. Whether you had to obtain permission or it was freely available to use, it is necessary to give credit to the creator or copyright holder. Make sure to read the usage rights statements on websites to understand if there is specific wording that needs to be used.
There are potentially three places you will need to cite.
Consult the style guide examples in this guide for examples.
The aurora borealis (see fig.1) is a natural multicolor light display produced by solar wind particles seem in high latitude regions.
Fig. 1. “Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane.” NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.
Last-name, First-name or Username. “Title of Image.” Medium of work. Date of resource creation. Name of site. URL
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. “Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane.” Photograph. 19 Feb. 2012. Flickr.
You will need to provide as much information as possible.
The aurora borealis (see Figure 1) is a natural multicolor light display produced by solar wind particles seem in high latitude regions
Figure 1. Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane. This figure illustrates the aurora borealis aboard the International Space Station. Image credit: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center via Flickr.
Last-name, first-name initial. (Year of creation). Title of image or description of work. [Type of work]. Website. URL
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. (2012) Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane. [Digital Image]. Flickr.
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