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Deaf Studies

Most Useful Databases

Here is a link to all Deaf Studies databases.

Or you can search individual databases from the list below.

What Are Scholarly Sources?

The Scholarly Sources section of the Research Strategies LibGuide gives details about how to find and read scholarly books and articles.

Deaf Studies Journals

Deaf Studies Journals – University Library NCOD and Gallaudet

The Silent Worker is available online at Gallaudet University from 1888-1929 and from 1948-1966. It is also available in print at the University Library.

 Info from Gallaudet website about this publication:

The Silent Worker was a popular national newspaper among the deaf population of the United States during the end of the 1890's through the end of the first quarter of the 20th century. Originally known as The Deaf Mute Times, it was first published in February 1888 and renamed The Silent Worker on September 27 of the same year. The New Jersey School for the Deaf continued its publication monthly, except for July, August, and periodically September until it ceased in June 1929. Deaf American authors wrote almost all articles, although occasional contributions by deaf individuals from other countries were also printed. Gallaudet University Archives has converted their collection of The Silent Worker from 1888 to 1966 into digital format, and made it available on the World Wide Web for public research.

American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb (1847-1886) Available in print from the University Library and online for some years from 1847 - 1882.

--Also digitized at Gallaudet

--Title changed to:

American Annals of the Deaf (1886-2017) Available in print from the University Library  Also online from 1980 - current.

The Association Review 1899-1909 (American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf) Available in print from the University Library

Silent News (1971-2002) Available in print from the University Library

Deaf American (1964-1989)  Available in print from the University Library  (Earlier title: Silent Worker. Later title: Deaf American Monograph available in print from the University Library 1990-1999.

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar offers the ability to link directly to University Library resources. Enabling this feature will allow you to search in Google Scholar and obtain the full text of articles and other electronic materials carried by the University Library. You only need to set up this configuration once for each computer you use in order to retrieve University Library resources through Google Scholar. 

The video below is from Minnesota State University, Mankato but the info will help you use Google Scholar effectively. Just substitute CSUN and you're set.


Historical Research - Useful Databases

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For more information, see Accessing Library Resources from Off-Campus and the Library's Copyright Statement (in particular, the Appropriate Use of the University Library's Electronic Resources section).

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