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IS 435: Business Data Communication

This guide is intended for students in Information Systems 435 to help with resources for your research paper on business data communication and network analysis


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Lindsay Hansen Brown

Getting Help with Writing

Go to your professor's office hours.  This is an ideal stage to run your thesis by them, and to ask for suggestions of articles or authors on your topic that you haven't uncovered yet.  

Learning Resource Center Logo

Make an appointment with a writing tutor at the Learning Resource Center.

  • 818-677-2033
  • University Library 3rd floor, east wing


Recommended Journal Titles

You can use OneSearch journal title search to look up the title of each of these publications.  Note: must be the exact title. Look for online access where available. 

  • IT Professional
  • Communications of the ACM
  • Computer 
  • Security & Privacy 
  • International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN) 
  • Information System Journal
  • Journal of mobile multimedia
  • Journal of Information Technology
  • International Journal of Network Management
  • International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
  • International Journal of Information Security
  • Journal of the Association for Information Systems
  • European Journal of Information Systems
  • Information Systems Research
  • Journal of Management Information Systems
  • Journal of Strategic Information Systems
  • MIS Quarterly

Most Recommended Databases for Information Systems Research

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