We subscribe to hundreds of accounting and information systems periodicals, both electronically and in print.
To find a specific title, use Journal Search.
Examples of titles available:
Securities and Exchange Commission: Find financial information for public companies.
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board: Develops general accounting standards for federal financial entities.
Financial Accounting Standards Board: Sets standards for financial accounting for non-governmental entities.
Government Auditing Standards: Sets generally accepted government auditing standards for the U.S. government.
Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Sets rules used by state and local governments in the U.S.
International Accounting Standards Board: Sets international financial reporting standards.
Internal Revenue Service: Revenue service responsible for collecting taxes.
American Accounting Association: Promotes worldwide excellence in research, education and practice.
ISWorld Net: Information on research and scholarship in the field.
Association for Information Systems: Professional organization. Site also has an elibrary.
@Brint: Web-based magazine with articles about business technology practices.
CIO.com: Information on various topics for the information professional.
Deloitte Technology Fast 500: List of the 500 fastest-growing technology companies in the world.
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