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Affordable Learning $olutions

The official website of the CSUN AL$ initiative.


In Fall 2024, CSUN was awarded a $15,000 grant from the CSU Chancellor's Office to promote the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) and other affordable course materials. As a result, we are excited to relaunch our popular individual grants for faculty dedicated to reducing textbook costs for their students!

The Matador Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) Grant is a collaborative effort organized by the University Library, Campus Store, and Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES).

Tier Criteria Award Amount

Tier 1

Project achieves savings to convert the course to a Low Cost Course Materials course (LCCM: total cost of course materials under $50)


Tier 2

Project achieves savings to convert the course to a Zero Cost Course Materials course (ZCCM)


Important Dates

For Spring 2025 Courses


Application are accepted on a rolling basis but we have set a priority application date to be 12/9/2024. 

To apply, each instructor of the course applicable in the department will need to fill out this Google Form.

Deadline to provide AL$ with your new syllabus: 1/24/2025


*Award payments will be processed based on submission of the report and a follow-up survey confirming the designation of your converted course. Report template and deadline will be provided in Spring 2025. Payment timing will vary based on individual faculty workload/FTE and the university’s payroll calendar.


Grantees will sign an MOU with the University Library in which the grantee is required to:

  • Ensure all adopted materials meet copyright requirements and be accessible by all students regardless of ability
  • Keep the achieved ZCCM & LCCM designation for a minimum of two years
  • Report textbook selection and ZCCM & LCCM on time
  • Submit a brief expense and showcase/feedback report (a template will be provided in fall)

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