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Open Textbook Highlights

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Child Growth and Development

by Jennifer Paris, Antoinette Ricardo, Dawn Rymond, Alexa Johnson

Book cover

Language Development in the Digital Age

by Mila Vulchanova, Giosue Baggio, Angelo Cangelosi, Linda Smith


Book cover

Play Development in Children with Disabilties

by Serenella Besio, Daniela Bulgarelli, Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova


Book cover

Development of Executive Function During Childhood

by Yusuke Moriguchi, Philip D. Zelazo, Nicolas Chevalier


Book cover

Music and the Child

by Natalie Sarrazin


Book cover

Current Topics in Children's Learning and Cognition

by Heidi Kloos, Bradley Morris, Joseph Amaral

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Many thanks to the creators of the following resources that inspired this OER guide:
SJSU: Open Educational Resources by College
Humboldt State University: Open Educational Resources (OER)

Creative Commons License  This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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