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Art 413: History of Chinese Art

This research guide was created for students enrolled in Art 413.


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Nicole Shibata
University Library
Subjects: Art

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are words (or, and, not) used to connect search terms to expand or narrow a search within a database to locate relevant information.

It is helpful to diagram the effects of these operators:

women or females

women or females

Or retrieves records that contain any of the search terms. It expands the search. Therefore, use "or" in between terms that have the same meaning (synonyms) or equal value to the search.

OR Gives You More

women and media

women and media

And retrieves records that contain all of the search terms. It narrows or limits the search. Therefore, use "and" in between terms that are required to make the search specific.

AND Does Not Expand

image not weight

Not eliminates records that contain a search term. It narrows or limits the search. Therefore, use "not" in front of a term to ensure that the search will not include that term. Warning: Some databases use "and not" instead of "not." Check the database help screen.


How Can I Tell If An Article is Scholarly?

Watch a brief video and read more details about identifying scholarly articles

Check this database for individual journal titles to find out if they are scholarly or peer-reviewed

Google Scholar

Google Scholar

  • searches for scholarly materials such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from broad areas of research
  • searches a variety of undisclosed academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web
  • offers much of the content in full text, while in some instances abstracts with links to pay-for document delivery services are displayed. You should use Interlibrary Loan instead of paying for access to documents.



Types of Resources

Primary Sources

Primary sources are original materials on which other works are based. It includes material such as letters, diaries, museum records, interviews and fieldwork. In some cases, newspaper articles may be primary sources if the material provides a first-hand account of an event.


  • Memoir, blog post, or other personal narrative written by an artist
  • Artist Statement
  • News item describing an artist talk
  • Interview of an artist
  • Original work of art

Secondary Sources

Secondary sources describe, analyze, review or summarize primary sources.


  • Research article critiquing an artist's complete body of work
  • News item critiquing an exhibition
  • Book about a style of painting

Using OneSearch

Our catalog and article search has been combined into a new OneSearch platform. Here you can search for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more.

You can narrow your search results under the Refine My Results and Resource Type headings by choosing a Resource type such as books, ebooks or articles.

CSU Resource Sharing

Is the book you want already checked out? Or perhaps the library does now already own a copy? Watch this video to learn how to use OneSearch to request an item available through another CSU library.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service that lets you request items (books, articles, etc.) that are not owned by the Library. Details and links to the online request form are available.

Citing your sources - Chicago Manual of Style

Call number Z253 .U69 2003, ​available in print on the first floor of the library in the Learning Commons

What is An Annotated Bibliography?

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) with short paragraph about each source. An annotated bibliography is sometimes a useful step before drafting a research paper, or it can stand alone as an overview of the research available on a topic.

Each source in the annotated bibliography has a citation - the information a reader needs to find the original source, in a consistent format to make that easier. These consistent formats are called citation styles.  The most common citation styles are MLA (Modern Language Association) for humanities, and APA (American Psychological Association) for social sciences.

Annotations are about 4 to 6 sentences long (roughly 150 words), and address:

  •     Main focus or purpose of the work
  •     Usefulness or relevance to your research topic 
  •     Special features of the work that were unique or helpful
  •     Background and credibility of the author
  •     Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  •     Conclusions or observations reached by you

Annotations versus Abstracts

Many scholarly articles start with an abstract, which is the author's summary of the article to help you decide whether you should read the entire article.  This abstract is not the same thing as an annotation.  The annotation needs to be in your own words, to explain the relevance of the source to your particular assignment or research question.

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