The University Library owns many books on business law. A list of books on business law can be found in CSUN's One Search Catalog.
Also consider these invaluable texts:
We subscribe to many business law periodicals, both electronically and in print. You can search for both Business Law journals as well as real estate journals in CSUN's One Search Catalog:
American Bar Association: Business Law Section
BusinessUSA: government website for business information
FindLaw: Legal information for consumers and professionals.
Martindale: Search for attorneys
Code of Federal Regulations
Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Government agency that provides affordable housing.
Fannie Mae: Helps provide access to mortgage credit.
Freddie Mac: Helps expand opportunities for consumers to rent or buy homes.
ABI/INFORM Complete: Choose the "Business" link on the right and keyword search on your topic.
Business Source Premier: Do a keyword search on your topic.
EconLit: Do a keyword search on your topic.
JSTOR: Do a keyword search on your topic.
Academic Search Premier: A multi-disciplinary database that covers a broad range of topics. Do a keyword search on your topic.
Google Scholar: Search for scholarly journal articles and books. Follow the directions in our database list to set up Scholar to also search the library's full-text articles.
Many federal and state court cases can be found full-text online. However, if you don't know which court(s) a case was tried, it can be difficult to find the case. So try the following Advanced Google search:
Apple and Samsung
The "" at the end of the search tells Google to only return government websites. This limiter is also helpful when searching .edu websites.
You can also use and advanced search to search one website:
Apple Samsung lawsuit
Also, try just Googling the parties in your lawsuit. You probably will recognize many of the websites.
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