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Resources for EOP Bridge

How to Avoid Plagiarism



How to Avoid Plagiarism

[Give yourself enough time

Many students plagiarize because they are stressed out or completing an assignment at the last minute. Research can be time-consuming. Start early!

Get familiar with the idea of paraphrasing, summarizing, & quoting

Check out this guide

Avoid temptation

If you think you might accidentally plagiarize, don't share papers or read your friends' paper.

Talk to a librarian or your professor

Research and writing can be a very messy process and librarians and your professor understand your struggle. If you are not sure, ask and you will not get in trouble!

Ask for clarification on your assignment

If you don’t understand any language in the assignment, it's your responsibility to ask your professor or go to the IESC.

Seek out resources on campus

CSUN offers a variety of sources on academic integrity, research, and writing. Check with the IESC, the library, and LRC.

Learn to cope with parental and peer pressure

Plagiarism can be a result of social pressure. Seek out help on campus. Check out this webpage.]

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