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COMS 354: Communication and Technology/Lin Sun

Finding Articles

Want to know if a publication is peer reviewed? Search Ulrichsweb.


Here are a list of databases to get you started on finding articles:

Other useful databases:

For more Databases, see the A-Z Databases page.

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are used to connect two, or more, keywords together as a way to narrow or expand your search results.

AND - narrows your topic; only results with the terms 'women' and 'media' found in the title, subject heading or description will be shown.

OR - expands your topic; useful when you want to add to your results; this terms works well when using synonyms as keywords.

NOT - removes results; if your keyword can be defined in multiple ways. For example, 'image' can mean pictures but it could also be related to body image or self-esteem.

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