1. Create a research vocabulary
Provide a frame for your search around one of the central topics of the course, such as:
- film criticism
- motion pictures
- television criticism
This will serve as your broad topic in a combination search (two or more search boxes). Select a narrow topic from your syllabus, or one that interests you.
- realism
- formalism
- structuralism
- semiotics or semiology
- genre and ideology
- auteur theory
2. Construct your search
Add your selected research terms to your advanced search by adding one term per box. You have the option of adding a third search box. Start by assigning your terms as subjects. If you have a preferred format (book or article) you can limit your results through the drop down menu under "Material Type". You can also limit the publication dates by entering them in the slots provided. View this sample search online.

Figure 1: Sample search using OneSearch advanced interface
If you have too few results, change one or more of your searches from "Subject" to "All fields". If you have too many results, you can further limit them through the limiters under "Refine my results" on the left. You can also lock the peer review filter here if desired.