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CTVA 260: Introduction to Digital Filmmaking

Search sources on digital filmmaking

To gather a list of sources sources relating to digital filmmaking, build a vocabulary of search terms representing interest, for example:

Broad topics

  • Motion pictures production
  • Digital cinematography
  • Filmmaking

Specific topics

  • Post-production (or postproduction)
  • Direction
  • Lighting
  • Color

Using some of your terms (swapping them as necessary), perform a combination search using two search bars in OneSearch, keeping the following strategy in mind.

  1. Broad topic (set as Subject)
  2. Specific topic (set as Any Field or Title)

By using separate search bars separated by 'AND' you are requiring all terms to be present in your results. Use quotation marks (" ") or the the is (exact) rule in the drop menu for multi-word terms that must appear together in order.

Figure 1: Sample search for color techniques in digital cinematography

Sample combination search

Use filters for best results

From your results consult Resource Type filter to select between:

  • Resource Type
  • Topics
  • Online resources
  • Peer-reviewed sources

Figure 2: Resource Type filter

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