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Finding Articles Using Open Access Resources

Using OneSearch to Find Open Access Articles

The Library's OneSearch tool allows you to explore and find “Open Access” electronic resources. These Open Access articles and resources are not tied to a contract or subscription and are freely available to all. The following is a sample search illustrating how to narrow a search in the OneSearch tool to locate Open Access resources.


Enter your search term(s) in the OneSearch search box on the Library homepage. Select the search icon. Once the search results appear, select the "Open Access" filter in the left column.


open access search


The "Open Access" filter will then display at the top of the filters in the left column.


open access search


Once the “Open Access” filter appears at the top of the left column, select “Remember all filters” to lock in the filter. Now OneSearch will only search for Open Access resources throughout your search session.


open access search


Once the Open Access filter is “locked in,” due to having selected the “Remember all filters” option, a lock icon will appear next to the Open Access filter. The lock icon indicates OneSearch will only be searching Open Access resources.


open access search


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