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Teaching Commons: Frederick Douglass

Douglass's Newspapers

The newspapers Frederick Douglass was the founder and editor of were the North Star (later Frederick Douglass' Paper), 1847-1863; publisher and editor of the Douglass' Monthly, 1859-1863; and the National Era, 1870-1874.

Frederick Douglass' Paper; Rochester, NY - This site contains a detailed overview of Douglass's newspaper.

Frederick Douglass' Paper; Rochester, New York - This site contains selected articles on Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Newspaper Databases

The following newspaper databases may be useful places to start to find newspaper articles about Frederick Douglass and/or the issues he championed. Visit Africana Studies to see additional resources. A CSUN User ID and Password will be required to access the information within these databases.

African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 - Offers access to a digital archive of more than 270 historically significant African American newspapers published in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Black Studies Center Newspapers - Provides full-text digital archive of the influential black newspapers Chicago Defender and Daily Defender.

Los Angeles Sentinel - Provides full-page and article images from the Los Angeles Sentinel, the oldest and largest black newspaper in the western United States and the largest African-American owned newspaper in the U.S., covering issues concerning the African-American community and its readers.

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