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Global Studies

Find resources related to global studies via the University Library.

Search Strategies

Check out this video to learn how to manipulate your search to get the resources you need.

Brainstorming Keywords

Before you begin your search, compile a list of potential keywords related to global studies. For example:

  • globalization
  • global networks
  • global cities
  • globalism
  • transnationalism
  • internationalism

Using Boolean Operators

Keywords can be combined with other keywords using the AND operator to narrow your topic. For example:

  • globalization AND media
  • globalization AND women
  • globalization AND poverty

Keywords can be combined with synonyms using OR to broaden your search. For example:

  • globalization OR transnationalism

Using Quotes

Quotations can be used to search phrases. For example:

  • "global studies"
  • "international relations"

Putting these terms in quotes means that the words will be searched as a phrase rather than each word separately.

Combining Search Strategies

Terms in quotes can be combined with Boolean operators. For example:

  • globalization AND "human rights"
  • globalization AND "information technology"
  • globalization OR "global studies"

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