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GWS 220 Men, Masculinities, and Patriarchy

This course guide is intended to help highlight University Library resources to support student research and assignments for GWS Men, Masculinities, and Patriarchy at CSU Northridge.

What are Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly Articles?

Peer reviewed or scholarly journals are periodicals that have a board of scholarly reviewers with expertise in the subject area of the journal.  These scholarly reviewers review materials submitted to the journal before the journal publishes - to check for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal. If you use materials from peer-reviewed publications they have been vetted by scholars in your field for quality and importance. 

Why Scholarly Conversations Matter?

Popular Journals in Gender & Women's Studies

Gender & Society
Focuses on the social and structural study of gender as a basic principal of the social order and as a primary social category, with emphasis on theory and research from micro and macrostructural perspectives.

Sex Roles
Publishes original research, theory, and reviews concerned with the underlying processes and consequences of gender role socialization, perceptions, and attitudes.

Feminist Studies
Presents scholarly research, essays, art, book reviews, and poetry, fiction, and creative narrative pertaining to the feminist experience in the social sciences, history, politics, and literature.

Gender, Work & Organization
Dedicated to advancing theory, research and analytically driven applications concerning gender relations at work, the organization of gender and the gendering of organizations.

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