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HSCI 345: Public Health Issues

Finding Newspaper Articles

To find newspaper articles on current issues and events in the field of public health use the databases below. Although the databases below are developed by different companies and therefore will all have a different look and feel, make sure to use the same basic principles of good searching used in the library's search engine OneSearch. This means that you must use keywords and combine the keywords using AND & OR. When you are searching for phrases made up of more than one word (e.g. public health) make sure to wrap the phrase in quotation marks. As you are looking for current event sources beware of dates and ensure that you are applying a date filter when searching. 

Some of the databases below will provide you access to newspapers from throughout the United States and worldwide. Make sure to read the description below the name and link of the database to determine what types of sources the database contains.      

Fact Checking Newspaper Articles

All newspaper articles will have some level of bias. Use the resources below to help you verify and fact-check newspaper articles:

1) Snopes formally known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is one of the first online fact-checking websites. It has been termed a "well-regarded source for sorting out myths and rumors" on the internet. 

2) Media Bias Fact Check: Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC News), founded in 2015, is an independent online media outlet. MBFC News is dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices.  

3) AllSides: Exposes bias and provides multiple angles on the same story so you can quickly get the full picture, not just one slant.

Newspaper Databases

Current Issues Databases

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