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Library Instruction Support

Resources and tips to create effective library assignment and instruction sessions for your students

Why Canvas modules?

The Library has created library instructional modules specifically tailored to meet our student body’s information literacy needs. To enable students to access these modules, we have put them in Canvas Commons, a repository that enables educators to find, import, and share instructional modules and resources within CSUN. 


What do students say about library modules?

"This was very informative and helpful. It makes it seem much more easier to find resources for class assignments."

"Ulrichsweb is a new program that I learned about and would've loved to have known about earlier in my college career. I'm definitely sharing that with my classmates because that's a common issue I hear that happens between group projects, as well as a common question that's asked to professors."

"I really liked the way this module was organized in clarifying the different cases of plagiarism, specifically using your own past assignments. Also utilizing Turnitin has always been helpful when too many citations were included which increases the similarity percentage and can hurt your grade."


“I am loving and enjoying every step of this instructional video; Thank you for all the great resources here; I think that using these modules have really helped me and been preparing on how to becomes successful with my courses and especially more right now that we are having courses online.”- A CSUN Student"



This sounds great! How do I get started?

Preview Modules
Ask your students to enroll in the Library Research Toolkit course

Share this enroll link with your students:

If you want to collaborate with the Library Online Instruction Team to create a customized module for your course, fill out this quick form.

Embed a Library Instructional Module into Your Canvas Course

Step 1: Find Canvas Commons on the global navigation bar located on the left of the screen.

Canvas Commons is a repository that enables educators to find, import, and share instructional modules and resources within CSUN. The Library has created library instructional modules specifically tailored to meet our student body’s information literacy needs


Step 2: Search for a module, page, or other instructional content you want for your course

All instructional content created by the Library can be found when you type in "csunlibrary" in the search bar.

You can preview modules in this course.

screenshot of Canvas Commons with the search term "csunlibrary"


Step 3: Import an instructional module into your Canvas course

Click on the name of the desired resource. From the Import into Canvas box located on the right top section of the page, either

Search for the course to which you would like to import the resource or

Select a course from the displayed options.

Click “Import into Class”.

If you want to download an instructional module, you can click "Download".

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