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JS 210 - The Jewish People

This research guide is intended to support students enrolled in JS210.

Narrowing Your Topic

1. Pick a topic that interests you. Review your course readings & notes and use CSUN library databases & course canvas recommended news sources to brainstorm ideas.
2. Think about the scope of your topic. If it is too narrow, you might have trouble finding enough information. If it is too broad, you might be overwhelmed with search results. If you are using CSUN's OneSearch make sure to use search filters (date, format, scholarly/peer review) to limit the number of search results you retrieve.

3. Reread your assignment/research prompt when establishing the scope of your search and topic. Also always remember to review your assignment requirements and make certain that you will be able to obtain enough information to fulfill the required number and format type of sources (articles/books etc).

4. Develop your selected topic(s) into a workable research question. Remember that your research question may change depending on what resources you are able to retrieve from library databases and online and print resources. 

Sample questions to help you refine your research question:

  • Is my topic focused (narrow enough) to be covered in my paper or project?
  • Is there enough information available on my chosen topic?
  • What question(s) will my research be addressing?
  • Am I genuinely interested in this topic or issue? 
  • Does my topic relate to course readings and discussions?

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