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Physics and Astronomy

Career Resources

SPS Jobs Browse job listings and resources for students seeking employment with a bachelor’s degree in physics. Internships, research opportunities, and jobs presented by the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.

Physics Today Job Resources Visit the Resources section for information on different physics career options, resume and cover letter templates, and advice on applying for jobs.

SPS Career Resources Explore physics career-related information, including profiles, advice, and links to related resources

Who’s Hiring Physics Bachelor’s? Click on a state to see a list of some of the employers that hired physics bachelor’s recipients recently in that state.

AIP Employment and Careers in Physics This is a compilation of some of our most popular resources on employment for physics PhD and bachelor’s degree recipients. Included are data on fields of employment, sectors of employment, salaries, and knowledge and skills used by recent graduates. This compilation also provides information on the proportion of physics bachelor’s degree recipients pursuing graduate study in physics, astronomy, and other fields.

APS Careers Website Access a host of career resources including links to the APS Webinar Archive, Career Workshops from annual meetings, links to a professional development guide, and more.

GradSchoolShopper Investigate graduate programs in physics, astronomy and the physical sciences.

Department of Labor Resources


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