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POLS 414: Western Political Theory in the 20th Century

Prof. Victoria Wilson

Configuring Google Scholar

Following these steps once - just the first time you use Google Scholar - will connect your search results to Oviatt Library subscription holdings, as well as to sources freely available via Google.

  1. Start at
  2. Sign into Google at the top right.
  3. At the top left, click on the three horizontal lines to open the menu.
  4. Choose Settings (at the bottom, with the gear icon).
  5. In the left column, click Library Links
  6. In the search box, type "CSUN" and Enter
  7. Check the box next to "CSU, Northridge (SFX Find It)"
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue Save button.

Finding Full Text Articles in Google Scholar

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