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POLS 441: Interest Groups

Professor Victoria Wilson


Finding Full Text Articles in Google Scholar

Google Scholar

  1. If you have a Google account, make sure you're logged in.
  2. At the top, click on Settings (gear icon under the black ribbon).
  3. Choose Library Links in the left column.
  4. Search for csun.
  5. Check the box next to CSUN - CSU Northridge - Full Text at CSUN.
  6. Click the blue Save button.
  7. Search for a topic or article.
  8. When you see a result you want, look to the right of the title for a Full Text at CSUN link to get the article directly through CSUN databases.

Setting this up once cuts back on the number of times you'll be routed to the publisher's website and asked to pay for an article, but it doesn't eliminate it.  Never pay for a scholarly article or book! If you find something you want via Google Scholar, paste the title of the citation into OneSearch and check for it at all CSU libraries.  Even if no CSU has it, we can probably get it for you via Interlibrary Loan.

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