Provided by the University of Michigan, access is limited to one user at a time. Available in both Chinese and English. Includes yearly macro-economic statistics, monthly macro-economic statistics, and historical statistics (1949-) from China.
Data related to development: literacy, health, poverty, income inequality, climate change, crime, population, and more..
Click on "International Statistical Links" to retrieve an A-Z country list with national statistical bureau links attached.
Data and research studies cover all areas of social policy in the UK.
Includes multidimensional poverty index and specific summaries on the results of the MPI analyses in 104 developing nations.
PovcalNet is an interactive computational tool that allows you to replicate the calculations made by the World Bank's researchers in estimating the extent of absolute poverty in the world, including the $1 a day poverty measures.
UNDP is the United Nations' global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.
Provides a yearly overview of the economic, social, and environmental state of the world. Also provides detailed economic data for most countries, quality of life indicators, and other demographic and environmental information.