The easiest way to access library resources is to download the GlobalProtect VPN software and activate it when you want to treat your computer as though it were on campus.
Alternately, you can log into each database as you encounter it with your portal user name (your initials plus 5 or 6 digits) and your portal password.
Watch this video to learn how to navigate OneSearch to find materials available through the University Library.
Search Tips
To get more results, broaden your search.
Use fewer search terms. Look for words not unique to your topic that you could cut from your search string.
OR Use OR to link synonyms, so you get articles where the authors used other terms to describe the same or similar concepts.
(outdoors OR wilderness)
(leisure OR "free time")
* Use an asterisk to find articles using any of the variants of the same root word.
touris* = tourist, tourists, tourism
Use more inclusive search terms.
Bigger locations - too few results from "los angeles", try california
More general terms - too few results from coachella, try "music festival"
Search as many possible sources at once by using Google Scholar.
To get fewer results, narrow your search.
" " Use quotation marks to find exact phrases, when you need words next to each other in precise sequence to have the meaning you intend.
"physical activity"
"board games"
Add more concepts to your search. Consider the who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Use narrower, more specific concepts or aspects of your original topic.