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RTM 352: Play and Human Potential

Professor Jimmy Xie


Profile Photo
Brianna Limas
UL 102B
(818) 677-7696

How Scholarly Articles are Published?

How Scholarly Articles are Published infographic

How Scholarly Articles Are Published, or What Binge Watching Can Tell You About Academic Research 

Parallels Between Television and Academic Publication
Scholarly Publication Television
An article contains a complete argument but is also part of a larger scholarly conversation An episode contains a complete plot but can also be part of a larger narrative arc.
A year's worth of articles adds up to a volume. A year's work of episodes adds up to a season.
These regularly released collection are part of a journal.  Some have completed their run, and some are ongoing. These regularly released collection are part of a series.  Some have completed their run, and some are ongoing.
Journals are made available by databases. Series are made available by networks.
Some databases, like Artstor and IEEE Explore, are focused on a particular topic.  Some databases, like Project Muse and JSTOR, have a wide variety of content. Some networks, like ESPN and HGTV, are focused on a particular topic.  Some networks, like PBS and Netflix, have a wide variety of content.

OneSearch searches nearly all of the University Library’s databases at the same time. OneSearch also finds books, videos, music, and more. If you need help finding a specific article, choosing a database, or doing any kind of research, call 818-538-7814 or text 818-900-2965. Librarians are here to help.

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