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Secondary Education

Find resources and get help conducting research in Secondary Education

Welcome, Secondary Ed Students and Faculty

About This Guide

This guide is intended to support you in completing assignments for the Masters & Credential programs through in the

Secondary Education Department.  Please use the tabs on the left to navigate through the resources and guides.  If you need assistance, please contact me or use the 24/7 support options below.  

Contact Me

The best way to contact me is by my email in my profile box to the left. 

24/7 Support

Also, please remember we have 24/7 support via the Ask a Librarian services found on this page of the library website.

Setting Up Google Scholar with Your CSUN ID

When you search in Google Scholar, you will see links and abstracts for articles that are both open access (free) and those that are behind paywalls.  If an article is not open access, but is part of one of a CSUN subscription that allows full access, you will be able to link to the full article if you set up your Google Scholar to use your CSUN account as a proxy.   Open the PDF below for step by step instructions (it is very easy and quick!) 


Accessing Library Resources From Off Campus

Only current CSUN students, faculty and staff can access our databases from off campus. Use any of these methods to sign-in off campus to access library resources: 

  • You can log in using the single sign on by starting in OneSearch, going to the upper right to login. Login using your CSUN User ID and password (the same ID and password you use to log in to the portal).  See Accessing Library Resources from Off-Campus for more information.
  • If you are searching directly in a database accessed from a subject guide or the database menu, click on the database you want to use. On the next screen you will be prompted to login using your CSUN User ID and password (the same ID and password you use to log in to the portal).
  • An alternative is to download and use the campus Virtual Private Network to use your computer as if it were on campus. The VPN also supports uploading files to your campus udrive.

Once you access information, please refer to the Library's Copyright Statement (in particular, the Appropriate Use of the University Library's Electronic Resources section) for ethical and appropriate uses of the material.

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