DT+ includes streaming video of plays and performances produced on the contemporary British and American stage, interviews with professional practitioners and masterclasses on technique, study guides on classic works, and pedagogical guides for the classroom and theater production.
Ethnic NewsWatch + Ethnic NewsWatch: A HistoryThis link opens in a new windowProvides a full-text collection of ethnic and minority press content from the U.S. and Canada offering additional viewpoints from those proffered by the mainstream press. Includes scholarly journals and working papers, trade journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, dissertations, and grass-roots publications primarily from minority presses. The companion database (Ethnic NewsWatch: A History) provides the historical foreground to the ethnic, minority, and native press content in Ethnic NewsWatch.
Archive of back issues of core scholarly journals across a wide range of subjects, with an emphasis on arts, humanities, and social sciences. Also includes current content for select journals and a large collection of University Press books.