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Art 416: History of Ancient Near Eastern Art

MLA style

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using facts or ideas from another source without attribution, thereby presenting it as original work.

Adapted from CSUN Policies and Procedures


Best Practices to Avoid Plagiarism:

Adapted from: Vega García, S.A. (2012). Understanding plagiarism: Information literacy guide. Iowa State University. Retrieved  from [Accessed February 8, 2018]

What's a Bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of all of the sources that you consult in the process of researching your work. It should follow a specific citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). Each citation includes elements such as:

  • Author(s)' names
  • Title
  • Date published
  • Name and place of publisher

The goal is to provide enough information for your readers to locate the resources you cite.

Am I Plagarizing?

Am I Plagiarizing? flowchart

What is Plagiarism? flowchart from EasyBib

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