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CD 760: Research Methods in Audiology

This guide has been prepared for CD760 to support the literature portion.


OneSearch has the records of over 100 databases including the library catalog for books, videos, and more..  BUT  It does NOT  include the indexing from the EBSCOHost databases. .Please be sure to watch the OneSearch Basics video to learn about all its features, pinning records, saving search queries, requesting books be mailed, links to Google Scholar and Interlibrary Loan when CSUN University Library does not have a subscription to the journal or owns a copy of the book.

OneSearch tips on how to search and link to  Advanced search



There are several more journals which can be added to this list.

The best way to look up a journal by its title is to use the Journals link located under the OneSearch box on

Communication Disorders & Sciences Librarian Marcia Henry



California State University Northridge

Campus Phone: 818-677-3012

Office Hours are by appointment to meet your schedule.

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Citation Managers -store references for use with word processors -EndNote Basic (EndNoteWeb, EndNote Online) and ZoteroBib


  • EndNote Online - viideo  tutorial l by MSU Library" Introduction to EndNote Basic" shows how register for an account, how to import references from a variety of databases and how to use Cite While Your Write (CYYW)

How to export records from Google Scholar by Clarivate (Web of Science0.  Please read directions at

ZoteroBib tutorial

tutorial by Georgia State University Library on using ZoteroBib to make an easy bibliography


Reference & Instruction Librarian

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Marcia Henry
California State University Northridge

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