This is the planning phase. Before you begin your research, there are several factors that ought to be considered when planning how to manage data.
We can help you write and implement your data management plan to best meet funder requirements. Many disciplines already use preferred data repositories. If your discipline does not have one, you can also use CSUN ScholarWorks to meet federal funder requirements for data sharing. Here are links to a plan template and boilerplate language. [add here]
**Please note that since 2022, new federal guidelines for data management and sharing have been implemented. These changes will be ongoing for each government agency through 2025. Check back periodically for updates to these policies that, unless stated, are based upon the 2013 Obama-era OSTP guidelines.
See this page on Funding agency guidelines for more details on data management requirements from federal funders.
Data management throughout the data life-cycle will not only help save you time, but it will help you:
Before starting a new research project, it may be helpful to develop a data management plan (DMP) that outlines your practices for collecting, organizing, backing up, and storing the data you will be generating. To help you begin writing a DMP, we provide a general template that includes basic topics to address; however, funding agencies like the National Science Foundation and others have specific guidelines on what information to include in your DMP that should be addressed first. Consider examining other planning and data sharing services here.
The library provides other resources that may also be useful for you as you write your DMP:
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