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INDS 490: Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone Spring 2024

Engaging Diverse Voices Through Research & Resources

New LibGuide on Diversity on Research and Resources offers insight into how diverse identities and  experiences are cataloged in information management systems. The guide's section on Disability helps in developing search terms to better locate information about populations or identities that have been underrepresented and often oppressed by the systemic inequalities of scholarship and librarianship. 



Great Place to Begin Your Research

  • Ebook format supports concurrent users; allows online reading and downloading. Don't forget to sign in to OneSearch with your CSUN user name and password (same as portal and Canvas).
  • The first comprehensive study of prosthetics and assistive technology in classical antiquity, integrating a wide range of types of evidence.
  • Includes bibliographical references (pages 176-194) and index. The references include links to find the full text of articles and books in the library's OneSearch and/or databases:

Brown, Elspeth (2002) ‘The Prosthetics of Management: Motion Study, Photography, and the Industrialized Body in World War 1 America’, in Ott, Katherine, Serlin, David, and Mihm, Stephen (eds.) Artificial Parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Prosthetics. New York: New York University Press, pp. 241–81.Google ScholarCalifornia State University Northridge Full Text

  • Explore the Related Contents suggestions in the right hand margin. Links are provided to check if CSUN Library has access to these resources.



  OneSearch Search tips 

  • Searches books, articles, videos, DVDs, images and more in University Library       
  • Good place to begin research       
  • Good for interdiscliplinary topics

Suggested Keywords/Search Terms

Be creative, use synonyms, and think of related subject areas to explore this very interdisciplinary topic. History, engineering, medicine, mythology, psychology may all offer different perspectives and insights.

Some suggested search terms/keywords:

disability OR disabilities                                            

communication disorders

speech pathology

speech disorders

speech therapy

applied linguistics


artificial limbs


wounds and injuries





Database Suggestions

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