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Interdiscliplinary Studies & Liberal Studies

Navigating the Library Website

Accessing Library Resources From Off Campus

Many of the article databases and electronic resources found in OneSearch require a campus login, and are limited to current CSUN students, faculty and staff only. After logging in you need to complete multifactor authentication through DUO as with other campus systems.

Details and online help 

Get Books From Other CSU Libraries

Is the book you want already checked out? Or perhaps the library does now already own a copy? Watch this video to learn how to use OneSearch to request an item available through another CSU library.

Get Books & Articles From Other Libraries

 Interlibrary Loan is a FREE service provided to obtain materials which are needed for research but are not available in the University Library

Interlibrary Loan FAQs give details about requesting and picking up items.

Report ADA Problems with Library Services and Resources