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Interdiscliplinary Studies & Liberal Studies

Database Tips

Database (examples: ERIC, JSTOR, Project Muse)

  • Searches articles, book chapters, reports, newsletters only in that database
  • Good for in-depth scholarly works on narrow topics
  • Use Advanced Search Option to separate and clarify search terms & keywords
  • Limit by publication date, resource type (for example, peer reviewed/scholarly), and more. Specific limiters available in some databases (examples below from EBSCO)

  • Sign up for database account to keep records permanently available (example below from EBSCO)




CSUN Library Databases

Some library databases cover one discipline/subject (such as biology). Some include only a certain type of resource (such as streaming videos). Others focus on multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary areas (such as gender and women's studies). Take time to explore the 290 databases accessible to you as a CSUN student.

Complete Listing of University Library Databases -- listed by subject, type and name



Selected Databases for Multidisiplinary/Interdisciplinary Searches

Selected Databases for Humanities

Selected Databases for Sciences

Selected Databases for Social Sciences

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