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A research guide for Kinesiology.

APA Style Guides, 6th edition

The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style is common in the social sciences.

APA Style Guide by CSUN librarian Eric Garcia

APA Formatting and Style Guide from the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University

Citing Archival Materials in APA

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (official print version)

Call number BF76.7 .P83 2010, available in the Learning Commons

APA 7th Annotated Bibliography Examples


Ontiveros, R. J. (2014). In the spirit of a new people: The cultural politics of the Chicano movement. New York University Press.
Ontiveros argues that the arts provide an expression of the Chicano movement that circumvents neoliberalism and connects historic struggles to current lived experience. Chicano artists have integrated environmentalism and feminism with the Chicano movement in print media, visual arts, theater, and novels since the 1970s. While focused on art, this book also provides a history of the coalition politics connecting the Chicano movement to other social justice struggles.


Journal article

Alvarez, N. & Mearns, J. (2014). The benefits of writing and performing in the spoken word poetry community. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41(3), 263-268.
Prior research has shown narrative writing to help with making meaning out of trauma. This article uses grounded theory to analyze semi-structured interviews with ten spoken word poets.  Because spoken word poetry is performed live, it creates personal and community connections that enhance the emotional development and resolution offered by the practice of writing. The findings are limited by the small, nonrandom sample (all the participants were from the same community).

Citation Manager

Citation Managers are bibliographic management programs that will help you keep track of articles and books as you find them, organize your references and create bibliographies in 100s of citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc.) They will also allow you to:

  • Import citations as you research from databases and catalogs

  • Save and organize citations

  • Attach pdfs of articles, when available

  • Embed citations (footnotes or in-text) into your word processing documents

  • Collaborate with others online

  • Discover the latest research


Below are some links about how to use EndNote Web, a citation manager freely available for you to use. Contact me at if you have further questions.

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