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Booking an Instructional Room Instructions
Click on Oviatt Library in the navigation tree on the left hand side to see all the rooms. On the calendar itself, choose the Day view
Click the box for the room / time when you want your class to start. Time is split into 15 minute intervals.
Begin to fill out the information on the pop up form:
Reservation title, include class and professor eg U100 / Sosner
Number of attendees
Start and end time
Department: Choose the applicable department from the drop down box. If booking for something other than a class, choose "Other"
Reservation type: Choose Instruction Session for a class from the drop down (unless booking a different type of meeting, and then choose the appropriate option
Click the "More" link
Go to the "Options" tab and input the professor's name in the "Professor name" field
Click the "save" button at the top right of the page.
Once saved, you can hover over your reservation to see all the pertinent details.