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CHS 261: Race, Racism and the Sciences

A survey of different schools of thought within the natural sciences with special attention to historical and contemporary debates around race and racism.

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Our ProQuest news content will also be searchable in OneSearch, but unfortunately, the Newsbank content (which includes a lot of California papers such as the Daily News and Sacramento Bee) is not, so you'll have to search that database directly.


Most of our historical newspaper content comes from two sources: ProQuest and Readex. Unfortunately, a lot of the Readex content is not in OneSearch. So searches for your keywords in OneSearch may bring up article-level results from ProQuest but you may need to go directly to these databases to turn up more.

One additional note is that you may find historical sources will use different vocabulary than academic sources, so you may have to try out a few different keywords for these searches.


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