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Computer Science

Computer Science general subject guide

Overview of search tips and tricks

  1. Use keywords when your term may be very new, very distinctive, or jargon, e.g. "instant messaging", "XML".
  2. Use a variety of keywords. There may be additional items on your topic that use different terms.
  3. Be aware that you may retrieve items not related to your topic (called false drops).
  4. When you cannot remember the exact title of an item, do a keyword search using the title words you remember.

Narrow or Broaden Your Search

Use AND between terms to narrow your search

example: television and violence and children

Use OR and/or truncate (*, ?) words to broaden your search

example: children or youth or adolescents
example: child* (will find child, children, etc.)

Note: check online help for  the correct truncation symbol

How to find books & e-books

Watch this video to learn how to use OneSearch to locate print and electronic books through the library. 

CSUN students, faculty, and staff can also borrow library books and physical media through its contactless Locker Pickup service. The lockers are located outside of the Library portico, and you are welcome to pick up your items 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. seven days a week. If you require an accommodation, please contact Library Guest Services at or call (818) 677-2274.

Search Strategy


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