Whether you’re working alone or participating in a collaborative project, you can consult with CSUN's Office of Research and Sponsored Projects about data management planning and execution. The office can discuss your situation and help you develop a solution that fits your methods, workflows, and objectives.
If you need to write a data management plan (DMP) for a grant proposal, DMP Tool is a popular and widely used tool. This resource provides an overview of requirements for various funding agencies and DMP templates (requires you to sign up for a free account).
The following comprehensive list from national universities provide excellent data management planning best practices and resources.
Source: http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/subjects/data-management/index.html
Notes: Provides data planning checklist and information on data management plans such as resources for creating plans and recommendations) as well as guides to best practices in data management.
Source: https://www.lib.umn.edu/datamanagement/DMP
Notes: Creating a Data Management Plan library site provides links to resources, funding agency guidelines, example plans, tools such as DMPTool, workshops and trainings. See PDF Data Management 101 planning checklist.
Source: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/guides/datamanagement/
Notes: Library site has information for Data Management Planning for Researchers at NCSU such as how to write a DMP, including elements and examples, and information on data storage, metadata, intellectual property and copyright, data repositories, citations, sharing, and who to contact in the institution for questions.
Source: http://libraries.unl.edu/data-management
Source: http://unl.libguides.com/datamanagement
Source: http://libraries.unl.edu/images/Services/Data_management_plan_template.pdf
Notes: Library data management site provides information on writing a data plan along with a table of agency requirements and details. Site includes a template to guide planners, examples, a checklist, and costs to deposit data. Also included is short list of what the library can offer to help with DMP’s.
Source: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/datamanagement/index.html
Notes: ICPSR is a repository for 735 universities and government agencies. Members have access to the processed/preserved data archives and services. ICPSR provides workshops and trainings. PDF lists resources for development, templates & tools, guidance on Funder requirements, additional university data management websites, guides to good practices, federal agency requirements, and examples.
Source: https://data.colorado.edu/
Notes: Not solely a library link but a partnership between Research Computing and University Libraries to create Research Data Services. Site provides information on writing a data plan, managing and sharing data, services (assistance with submission and choosing appropriate repository/ archive), and resources (i.e. useful websites and tools).
Source: http://www.lib.purdue.edu/research
Notes: Libraries research and data services provide support and guidance for description, workflow, management, discovery, dissemination and preservation of data throughout the research cycle. Site offers an online collaborative working space and data-sharing platform to support data management needs of researchers at Purdue. Site includes services for data management consultation and citing data.
Source: http://www.cmu.edu/research/data-management/data-management-planning/
Note: includes metadata best practices, storage and backup solutions, intellectual property & copyright information, etc.
Source: http://library.umassmed.edu/necdmc/index
Note: Provides Data Management Curriculum