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DEAF 497: Deaf Studies Capstone

Online Access to Specific Journals

Cover and pages from Silent Worker September 1893

Journal Available in JSTOR 

American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb (Available from 1847 volume: 1 issue: 1 until 1886 volume: 31 issue: 3)

American Annals of the Deaf (Available from 1886 volume: 31 issue: 4 - present)

Use JSTOR database to access this journal. Use the Advanced Search feature to narrow your searches to

1.  any dates you choose

2. this journal only


Journals Available in Other Library Databases

Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (1996-present)

Sign Language Studies (volume 1, 1972 - present)

Deafness & Education International (1999-2003) Full text is online from 2004 (but most recent year is not available).


Journals Available in Full-text on the Internet

Deaf Studies Digital Journal (Not all volumes/issues are online)

NAD Mag (volume 1, 2001 - )

Journals Available in Full-text from Gallaudet University

The Silent Worker is available online at Gallaudet University from 1888-1929 and from 1948-1966.

The Deaf American* (1966-1989) is available in digitized format at at Gallaudet University.

*The Silent Worker began in 1888 as a publication of the New Jersey School for Deaf-Mutes. The first few issues were titled The Deaf-Mute Times, but the name changed to The Silent Worker by the end of 1888. The publication was later associated with the National Association of the Deaf. The Silent Worker ceased publication in 1929. The National Association of the Deaf took up the name again for its Deaf newspaper from 1948-1964. The publication name changed in 1966 to The Deaf American.


There is no indexing for The Silent Worker or the Deaf American.  You can browse through each issue and search for keywords.

Step 1: Click on date to access that specific issue:


Step 2: Enter keywords or terms you want to find in the issue. The example below uses "schools" as the search term or keyword.


Step 3: Search terms will be highlighted in blue each time they appear. You can use the arrows to move back and forth through the issue.




Specific Journals w/o Online Access -- Using Paper Indexes

To find articles from the following list of journals you will need to look at the print/paper Table of Contents or indexes for each issue. Notebooks with copies of these tables and indexes are available in Room 448 on the 4th floor of the library. Contact to arrange a time to use these materials.

Deaf American Monograph (1990 -1999) Note: Title formerly Deaf American (1964-1989) and Silent Worker (1948 - 1964). Official publication of the National Association of the Deaf.

Deaf Life (1988-2013)

Deaf Worlds (1996-2007)

Hip Magazine (index available for Vol. 1 #1 through Vol. 6 #5)

Journal of Interpretation (1981-2010)

Perspectives in Education and Deafness (paper indexes September 1982-June 1995) Table of contents: September/October 1995-September/October 1999

NAD Broadcaster 1993 index

Gallaudet Today (Summer 1970-Spring 2011)




No Paper Indexes or Digital Access

For these periodicals, you will need to request volumes from storage and browse through them.

Silent News The University Library has paper copies of  Vol. 3 (1971) - Vol. 34 (2002).

SIGNews The University Library has paper copies of Vol. 1 (2003) - Vol. 10 (2012).

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