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Engaging Diverse Voices through Research & Resources

Tools and Resources about Inclusive Cataloging and Citation

In creating this guide, we grappled with the best language to describe the work this guide intends to do as it is still a developing practice in information literacy instruction and scholarly research.  We are decentering, decolonizing, and diversifying research practices.  As with the terminology in the areas listed in the tabs, how we talk about inclusive research is sure to change as we incorporate these topics into our discussions around research. Below are some common terms used to talk about this practice and its theoretical framework.  As stated in the “How to Use this Guide” section, our lens is from the library science perspective, so this guide does not include, for example, broader considerations of linguistics and inclusion though there is overlap with inclusive cataloging. However, other LibGuides are linked below that delve into inclusive cataloging or citation justice using a broader approach. Finally, we also put together some suggested readings and tools that might help you as you incorporate citation justice into your own research and/or instruction.

Click on the terms below to see related keywords.


Keywords and subject headings: 
  • Subject headings
    • Subject headings, Library of Congress 
    • Controlled Vocabulary 
    • Authority files (Information retrieval)
  • Cataloging 
    • Inclusive Cataloging 
    • Social Cataloging 
    • Cataloging standards
    • Subject cataloging -- Social aspects -- United States
    • Classification 
      • Classification -- Books -- Minorities
      • Classification, Library of Congress -- Evaluation
      • Information organization -- Philosophy
  • Citation Justice 
    • Citation Analysis / Citation Analyses
    • Citation Tracking
    • Citation Transparency
    • Decolonizing citation
  • Diversity & inclusion policies
  • Bias in Academia 
  • Critical librarianship 
    • Critical library theory
    • Intersectionality 
    • Cultural Competence
    • Critical literacy / Critical Information Literacy 
    • Critical Pedagogy 
    • Positionality
    • Objectivity 
  • Bibliometrics 

Library Guides
Further Reading


an icon for partial quotation marks Acknowledgment

This guide is inspired by the LibGuides Open Review Discussion Sessions (LORDS) Project and University of Minnesota Libraries' Conducting Research Through an Anti-Racism Lens LibGuide. 

Creative Commons License  This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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