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HIST 630: Research Seminar in World History

Selected Resource Recommendations for History 630

Coordinator of Information Literacy & Instruction


Historians of the pre-modern period, use published narrative sources for the bulk of their research. Chronicles or annals are historical works that tell history in a detailed and chronological fashion.  Although by no means the only sources for pre-modern history, they are often the starting place for historical research. These Chronicles can be studied as material artifacts, cultural products, religious books, literary texts, political commentary, social criticism, or from many other angles.  This guide will help you identify ways to locate both Chronicles and other informative sources that will support your research assignments for History 630.



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How Do I Search for Books?

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Finding Books Using OneSearch

You can search for books using OneSearch by typing in the title, author or keywords in the homepage OneSearch form.  Once the results page loads, you can use the limiters in the menus under "Refine My Results" to narrow your results. Selecting "books" under "Resource Type" will limit the results to eBooks and print books.  For eBooks only, select "Available Online at CSUN" under "Show Only"; for print books only, select "Available at CSUN" under "Show Only."  

Click the title heading of any given result item to view the full record.  In the full record, under "Online Access" you'll find the direct link to electronic text, if available. Ebooks can have different number of user access. Check in the notes section to see how many users can read the book at any given time.  The "Send To" menu offers tools for citing, emailing, or saving a record as a favorite.

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