If you have a question about this guide or CSUN's resources and outreach for local high schools in the Valley and greater Los Angeles, please contact Outreach Librarian Brianna Limas.
Find strategies, tips, and basic foundations of academic research by visiting the Library's Research Strategies guide. Keep in mind that online resources like databases, full text articles, and ebooks are only accessible to high school students from a library computer.
Keep in mind that research is a process. We can usually think of this process as a cycle with multiple stages:
This process is highly iterative, meaning that it does not happen in a straight-line. Your topic and question will evolve and be revised as you search and read articles. You might go back and forth between stages of the research process. It's a journey!
Here are more examples and explanations about the research process:
Scholarly sources often have a particular writing style and can be challenging to read compared to other types of sources. When reading scholarly literature, read strategically. Don't start by reading the article from start to finish but rather focus on the sections that will give you the information you need first. This will quickly let you know what the article is about and its relevancy for your research. It will also prepare you for when you’re ready to read the full article, giving you a mental map of its structure and purpose.
Here is a suggestion on how to read a scholarly article and which sections to focus on first.
This literature review "how to" guide goes over what a literature review is, questions to consider, and guidelines for synthesizing sources.
Curious to see what resources we recommend for our undergraduate and graduate students at CSUN? You can access any of our research guides designed for specific subject areas, disciplines, majors, and courses. Research guides are created by Librarians with students and their coursework in mind, and are typically organized by CSUN academic departments. There are also guides created on specific topics and themes, such as library how-to and interdisciplinary topics.
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