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Resources for High School Students

This guide is for high school students interested in using University Library resources to conduct research.

What are Archives?

Research Topic: American Revolution

These archives can be accessed without CSUN login and from off-campus.

These books and databases/articles can be accessed on-campus (using a visitor computer). Books can be borrowed by students enrolled in the book borrowing program.

What is a Primary Source?

Understanding Primary Sources

Online Archive of California (OAC)

The Online Archive of California (OAC) is a searchable database that includes finding aids for archival and primary source collections at more than 200 libraries, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums in California, including Special Collections & Archives at CSUN.

After searching, you can limit your search results by holding institution, so you can see everything on your topic at other repositories in Los Angeles (UCLA, Occidental, Loyola Marymount, etc.) that have contributed finding aids to the OAC.

online archive of california

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