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RTM 314: Hospitality and Customer Service

Professor Joong-won Lee


Profile Photo
Brianna Limas
UL 102B
(818) 677-7696




Watch this video to learn how to navigate OneSearch to find materials available through the University Library.

Search Tips

To get fewer results, narrow your search.

  • Search fewer sources, one top journal at a time.
  • Use narrower, more specific concepts or aspects of your original topic.
    • restaurant => "fast casual"
  • " " Use quotation marks to find exact phrases, when you need words next to each other in precise sequence to have the meaning you intend.
    • "michelin star"
    • "all inclusive"
  • Add more concepts to your search. Consider the who, what, when, where, why, and how.

To get more results, broaden your search.

  • Use fewer search terms. Look for words not unique to your topic that you could cut from your search string.
  • OR Use OR to link synonyms, so you get articles where the authors used other terms to describe the same concept. 
    • (alcohol OR liquor)
    • (restaurant OR dining)
  • Use an asterisk to find articles using any of the variants of the same root word.
    • touris* = tourist, tourists, tourism
  • Use more inclusive search terms.
    • Bigger locations - too few results from los angeles, try california
    • More general terms - too few results from coachella, try music festival

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