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AIS 101 - Introduction to American Indian Studies

American Indian Studies

Welcome to your American Indian Studies AIS 101 Library Research Guide

Welcome to your research guide for AIS 101 Introduction to American Studies. This guide was created to help assist you with your course assignments and research. As you know from your Canvas Course created by your Professor Nicole Blalock, you will be exploring "the histories, cultures, and concerns of Native nations, exploring the central question "Who am I in relationship to Indigenous communities in the U.S."?

The goal of this library research guide is to help you learn how to locate books, articles and other resources, within the realm of American Indian Studies, to help your with all your course research and assignment needs.

Keeping Up With News/ Current Topics

You can learn more about current events in Indian Country by following news at:
Native American news, information and entertainment.

Indian Country Today

Reading Recent Native American Literature

Sometimes reading recent and classic fiction by Native Americans and other indigenous authors can help you identify themes and topics to further explore. Some possible recommendations to consider reading include:

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