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AIS 304: American Indian Law & Policy

This guide supports the AIS 304 course taught at CSUN.

Library Databases

Key Resources

National Indian Law Library Research Guides
From the National Indian Law Library. Includes research tips for federal Indian law and tribal law.
The National Indian Law Library (NILL) of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) was founded in 1972 as a public law library devoted to federal Indian and tribal law. NILL serves the public by developing and making accessible a unique and valuable collection of Indian law resources and assisting people with their Indian law-related information needs

Library of Congress Native American Resources
Search everything the Library of Congress has collected, developed and curated on Native American History and Topics.

Online Guides for Native American Law Research

The following online research guides are great places to start. Also see the books listed in the box below.

Law Library of Congress' Indians of North America Guide

Includes links to legal texts, commentary, agencies, and other guides.

Basic Indian Law Research Tips - Tribal Law

David Selden, National Tribal Law LIbrary at the Native American Rights Fund, Jan. 2012 [5-page PDF].

Indian Law and Tribal Law & Government

The University of Montana School of Law Library Research Tool.

Tribal Law Gateway (National Indian Law Library)

Find materials by tribe (includes an alphabetical list of tribes) or by type of document.

Native American Law & Legal Sources

University of Wisconsin Law Library.

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