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Communication Disorders and Sciences

This research guide is for the Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences. lt will help you find and use CSUN University Library resources as well as how to cite your sources.

Services for Distance Education

CSUN University Library Services for Distance Education Students enrolled in Tseng College

Who qualifies for distance learner Library services?

The CSU University Library provides services for students who are designated by the Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning as distance students or distance learners. To qualify for distance learner library services, students must be admitted to and enrolled in a Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning degree-granting program that is offered online or at a location other than the Northridge campus. These programs usually organize students into cohort groups.

Who does NOT qualify

CSUN students who are enrolled in CSUN online courses not offered through the Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning, or in CSUN courses that meet on campus are not eligible for distance learner library services.

CSUN students who live at a distance from the Northridge campus are not eligible for distance learner library services unless they are enrolled in one of the degree-granting programs of the Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning.

Students who are enrolled in courses offered by the Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning do not qualify for distance learner library services unless they are admitted into one of the Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning distance degree-granting programs.

Remote Access to Library Subscription Resources

The CSUN University Library subscribes to a number of databases that are for the use of current CSUN students, faculty and staff only. The Library's proxy server provides a means for eligible users to access these databases from off campus. When a user who is connected through a non-CSUN Internet Service Provider (ISP) clicks on a link to a restricted resource, they will be prompted to log in using their CSUN User ID and password. Eligible users will then be connected through to the selected resource. For more information visit:

Remote Access to Full-Text Journal Articles

A broad array of resources for distance students is available on our Databases by Subject web page. These include over 14,000 journal titles, many of which allow users to review, print, email and save complete journal articles. Full text databases allow students to search for relevant articles and provide immediate electronic access to the item.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) & Document Delivery Services for Distance Education Students

Requesting Loans and Copies

Distance Education students may obtain loans and journal articles through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). You should:

  • Allow at least two weeks for Delivery
  • Identify yourself as a Distance Education student.  In the notes field of the ILL loan form identify yourself as Distance Education, the program name, and cohort number.

Obtaining Material Available at the CSUN University Library

You may request an item by using the CSUN University Library's Interlibrary Loan Service. Loaned items will be mailed to your address UPS Second Day Air along with a prepaid envelope for you to return it. You will have a loan period of 3 weeks. Copies of articles will be delivered to you electronically. You may identify CSUN-held items using Onesearch. Please remember: Identify yourself as a student in your particular Distance Education program.

Obtaining Material that is NOT Available at the CSUN University Library

Our policies have changed, CSUN will now borrow books for Tseng College Give Department name, for example,Communication Disorders, Assistive Technologies, the  Cohort # students, from other CSU's as well as other libraries.  Books will be mailed to CSUN University Library, the the University Library will FedEx the materials to you with a prepaid envelop to return the items to CSUN University Library.  You must remember to note that you are a Tseng College  Department name and the  Cohort ##  student.

For further information about obtaining access to material the library does not own contact the Interlibrary Loan Office.

Zoom Meeting with Marcia Henry

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