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GWS 302: Feminist Methods

This is a course guide intended to be used by students enrolled in CSUN's GWS 302 course.


This is a guide for your GWS 302 Feminist Research Methods course at California State University Northridge.
Please remember to consult your current course syllabus to review all the requirements of your research assignments.

Thinking About Your Assignment(s)

How do the following citations possibly connect? 

Can you find a conversation between scholars, theories, feminist leaders?

Truth S (2005 [1851]) Narrative of Sojourner Truth, ed. Perry I. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics.

Crenshaw, Kimberle. "Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics." U. Chi. Legal F. (1989): 139.

What other feminists theories/theorists rest in between the conversations, thoughts and writings of these two individuals?

Who has written about these thoughts and ideas since?

Where can I search for this information?


Watch this video to learn how to navigate OneSearch to find materials available through the University Library.

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