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HIST 342 - The World Since 1945

This guide is intended to support students enrolled in History 342 at California State Northridge by introducing resources and critical thinking skills that support the completion of required research assignments and the growth of information literacy ski


This guide is intended to assist students looking for information resources to support their assigned essay and research guide in the form of an annotated bibliography for Professor Horowitz's History 192 course.  You will be looking for primary and secondary source information on the article you have been assigned about a significant event or person in East Asian History (almost all from 1890-1990).

The written elements of the History 342 Cold War History Project for Professor Horowitz

What your group will need to do:

· Research and write a source-based account of what happened and why this is important.

· Write reports on how the event was covered in two newspapers. The newspapers you will use will be The Times (aka the London Times), the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times (see adjacent box). The CSUN library has access to excellent databases that will enable you to do this kind of research.

· Review published primary sources from one of several websites (the Cold War History Project,  access to the National Security Archive, the CIA declassification reading room, and Foreign Relations of the United States), and depending on the size of your group, write close analyses of one or two declassified documents that you have selected, and discuss what they reveal about the concerns of decision-makers and participants (If your group has five students, there should be two analyses, of your group has four students you only need one).

· Assemble a bibliography of all of the sources you have found, organized into categories.

· Present your work to the class.

· All written work must be fully footnoted using real footnotes, (not parenthetical references) and formatted according to the Chicago Notes/Bibliography style, the standard in the discipline of history.

Finding Reference Sources

Contemporary Accounts/Historical Newspapers

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